Dear User,


Due to unforeseen reasons from our IP provider, we have had to make an important decision: the VPS IP addresses in the LA01 zone will be changed. This measure is to ensure that the rights and interests of all users are not infringed upon.


We understand that this may cause you inconvenience and ask for your understanding and support. To facilitate a smooth transition, we have added new IP addresses to all VPS. For a short period, both the new and old addresses will be accessible to ensure service continuity.


Please update your domain's HOST records to the new IP address as soon as possible. Be aware that the old IP address will soon be discontinued. We recommend you make the necessary adjustments promptly to avoid any unnecessary service interruptions.


We deeply apologize for any trouble this may have caused you. The AnyHostHub team is committed to providing the highest quality service and thanks you for your understanding and support.



The AnyHostHub Team

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